Bulletin Editor
Sukh Gill
RSS Feed
Sep 05, 2023
World Food Security
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Club Information
Tuesdays at 12:00 PM
Ricky's Country Restaurant
32080 Marshall Rd
Abbotsford, BC V2A 1A1
We meet in person as well as via Zoom. Please reach out to us if you are interested in attending in person, or to request a Zoom link.
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Weekly Club Meeting

Speaker of the week
Emily Bakhitah: Rise to Shine Foundation
About the Speaker
Emily Bakhitah Akoth Otieno is a Rotarian with the Rotary Club of Kisumu Winam, in Kenya. She is the founder of an NGO called Rise to Shine Education Foundation, which seeks to empower and enable young, bright needy students from the western region of Kenya.
Emily is motivated by a strong desire to provide a positive social impact and to give back to society. She does this through offering scholarships to children, knowing firsthand the importance of education in a child’s life. Emily’s goal is to pursue a Masters degree in Development Studies in September 2023 at SOAS University. She also works with Red Rubber Ball Foundation, a UK based organization that works with youth in Kenya.
If you have any suggestions for a speaker, please send them to Bruce Beck at
Venue for the Meeting for Aug 08, 2023 is Hybrid; it can be attended in person at
Ricky's Country Restaurant
32080 Marshall Rd
Abbotsford, BC V2A 1A1
Or at Zoom
Below is the link to the Zoom meeting that can be used to login to the meeting. As per usual, over the last year and a half, the meeting will open up at 11:45.
Thanks everyone and stay safe.
*Please note the meeting login has recently changed*
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 899 7629 4738
Password: 986393
Dial In: 778 907 2071 (same meeting ID and Password as above)
      Previous Week's Speaker Recording  
Link: N/A
Sunshine Report


Aug 2023 Sunshine Report


Happy Birthday!

Bill Thiessen - August 15
Deanna McIntyre - August 31

Happy Anniversary!

Kim & Roy Hissink - Aug 20
Happy Rotary Anniversary
Les Squire - 5 years    Aug 14 2018
District 5050 Events
  May 05, 2023 3:00 PM - May 07, 2023 11:00 AM
  May 09, 2023 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  Jun 03, 2023 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
 Mission Midday
  Jun 30, 2023 5:30 PM - 11:00 PM
Happy Hour 
Happy Hour With...Rotaract Club of FV 
Unit 112 - 32868 Ventura Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 6J3    Phone 604-853-7399   Website:
Our mission statement:  We are dedicated to creating and providing support, information and education to families and individuals who live with epilepsy, their support staff, educational personnel, friends, co-workers, health care providers and anyone else affected by epilepsy.
Client Support Program:  We provide client support for those affected by epilepsy in a variety of ways.  This could be providing psychosocial support, practical support like navigating resources, preparing newly diagnosed with what to expect when visiting the neurologist, navigating support services like dental, housing and funding options, to name a few.
Education and Awareness Program:  We provide educational presentations to any group that is interested, and the presentations are geared towards the audience.  So, a presentation for a grade 2 class would be quite different from the presentation we would put together for a rotary club or a continuing education class.
Our Immediate Needs:
Donations: To help ensure we can continue to provide these programs.
Volunteers:  To assist in all aspects of the organization, including fundraising and special events.
Board Members: Eager volunteers willing to roll up their sleeves to assist us in governing the organization.
Fraser Valley Gleaners
Fraser Valley Gleaners needs more volunteers.  More volunteers mean we can make more soup for hungry people around the world.  Come chop vegetables, meet new friends, and make a difference in our world.    Volunteer hours are Monday-Friday 8:30am-noon.  Drop in any morning at 8:30am.  Please call ahead if you’d like to bring a group of 5 or more.
Phone 604-870-9272
Transitions Foundation of Guatemala
Transitions makes high-quality, personalized wheelchairs to enable mobility for poor Guatemalans with disabilities. Most of the factory crew are wheelchair users themselves, so they understand the importance of having the right wheelchair for each user. Two-thirds of the people who need a wheelchair in Guatemala do not have one. Our present needs at Transitions include:
  • A vehicle (minivan) for wheelchair missions to remote indigenous villages
  • A TIG welding machine
  • A powder coating oven for painting wheelchairs
  • Funding for production of wheelchairs, including daily use chairs for adults and children as well as specialized seating systems for children with cerebral palsy.
Our GoFundMe page:


An easy way to help our club raise funds during challenging times.
 Check out this video; Chris makes giving sound easy!
 Click Here
For more details, visit the following site:

Join Us on Social Media!

Rotary International continues to work on branding and communication of our organization throughout the world. They are pushing for greater exposure within the press, radio, television and social media.

To this end, we would like to encourage all members to participate, with contribution, on our social media sites. 


The link for the NEW District 5050 Facebook is:


The link for our Club's Facebook is: 


The link for our Club's Twitter is:  


Look for our Club on Instagram at “AbbyRotary”


Spread the message and good works of Rotary with your network by connecting with the Club and posting your contributions and sharing our posts. Your efforts could reach a potential new member, a new sponsor or partner. Don't keep Rotary a secret - talk it up!