Unit 112 - 32868 Ventura Avenue Abbotsford, BC V2S 6J3 Phone 604-853-7399 Website: esebc.org
Our mission statement: We are dedicated to creating and providing support, information and education to families and individuals who live with epilepsy, their support staff, educational personnel, friends, co-workers, health care providers and anyone else affected by epilepsy.
Client Support Program: We provide client support for those affected by epilepsy in a variety of ways. This could be providing psychosocial support, practical support like navigating resources, preparing newly diagnosed with what to expect when visiting the neurologist, navigating support services like dental, housing and funding options, to name a few.
Education and Awareness Program: We provide educational presentations to any group that is interested, and the presentations are geared towards the audience. So, a presentation for a grade 2 class would be quite different from the presentation we would put together for a rotary club or a continuing education class.
Our Immediate Needs:
Donations: To help ensure we can continue to provide these programs.
Volunteers: To assist in all aspects of the organization, including fundraising and special events.
Board Members: Eager volunteers willing to roll up their sleeves to assist us in governing the organization.
Fraser Valley Gleaners